About Us

About Us

E-Mag Fields System is a small registered company which has started its operation from 2020. It provides support in scientific research and activities by supplying ultra high purity (up to 5N) materials such as Tungsten, Lutetium, Zirconium, Zinc etc. in various shapes and sizes. The list is not extensive. Upon users request we can provide materials apart from the ones listed above. We also provide cryogenic grade materials such as Indium, Epoxies (two part/three part), MLI Roles, Polyimide Tapes, Cryogenic Instrumentation wiring, power & signal feed throughs, temperature sensors etc. Upon customer request we also provide custom cryogenic solutions as per their requirements.

We are happy to announce that we are the authorized Indian agent with M/s SAAS GmbH. We also sell products such as flow meters, liquid metal pumps and calibration loop. We also provide technical support for the above items.

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